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“The synergy and efficiency between the existing infrastructures and resources at EU and national level are inevitable in today’s world.”

From the beginning of her professional career, Petra worked in an international/EU-related environment, where she used the acquired abilities and skills from numerous study stays as well as professional internships. Her professional career consists of national and international/EU-oriented work experience and she strongly believes that a vertical, horizontal and functional rotation can greatly enrich one’s knowledge and experience.
She studied international relations and European studies at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Economy in Coimbra Portugal, and EU studies in Brussels Belgium. Petra completed her post gradual studies at the faculty of law at Comenius University in Bratislava.
Her professional international background was also gained by numerous internships in EU institutions such as European Parliament, working directly for MEP, then the international relations office of a Belgian university and the Ministry of education and science in Slovakia while there she was preparing for the Slovak presidency of the Council of the EU. She also holds the PRINCE certificate for effective project management.
Petra is fluent in Slovak, Czech, and English, and has an active knowledge of Portuguese and basic knowledge of German.
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