PFAS Restriction & consistency between EU policies
EU Focus Group & Fieldfisher, founding members of the Helix Team which also gathers SCC gmbh (Science) and RPA Ltd (socio-economic aspects) are pleased to share their initial views on the published PFAS restriction
The EU Green Deal in need of Fluoropolymers
Fluoropolymers are at the forefront of achieving the targets of the Green deal. Many sectors driving the decarbonisation path are dependent on these products. Join us live to discuss how the Green Deal and regulatory measures impose risks of destabilizing the EU decarbonization commitments.
Bacillus thuringiensis : How to promote microorganisms & biocontrol avoiding unnecessary regulatory hurdles?
The International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)
organised a webinar on Bacillus thuringiensis trying to answer the question about how to promote microorganisms & biocontrol avoiding unnecessary regulatory hurdles.
Copper: a key ally for food security, availability and affordability
Discussing on the socio-economic relevance of copper, as well as the response to technical and regulatory challenges at the EU level.
The Sustainable Use Regulation: Organic Agriculture & EU Food Production
Discussion with distinguished speakers from ministries, EU institutions, the farming community, and the industry.
Showcase of the practical insights of the upcoming REACH Restriction
Our ‘Helix team’, leading on the PFAS, is delighted to share its expertise by showcasing some of the practical insights of the upcoming REACH Restriction.
Sustainability vs. Productivity to Maintain Food Security: What Balance for Polish Farmers?
EU Focus Group Managing Partner Pascal Michaux will speak at the Warsaw Webinar organised by the Polish Federation of Fruits & Vegetables, under cooperation with Gardening sector Core Team, Polish Fruits & Vegetables Association and Agroekoton Association.
What are the new risks in the changing dynamics of energy in Europe? How to mitigate them?
High-level panel to discuss on the risks for companies and governments that emanate from the new dynamics in energy and how to mitigate them.
EU Focus Group Managing Partner Pascal Michaux spoke at Die Fresenius Akademie on Pesticides and sustainability
This training has provided up-to-date knowledge on the sustainability requirements within the framework of Regulation 1107/2009, the impact assessment of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and the different provisions of Regulation 1107/2009 that may be affected.
How realistic is to build a new energy security supply architecture: Immediate actions
High-level panel debate to stimulate policy discussions to build imaginative and pragmatic solutions in the new era for energy sources in Europe.
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